1. 企业可持续发展(企业社会责任、绿色营销)
2. 企业水管理
- Wang T, Tian M*. Exploring consumer perceived risk and purchase intention of water-saving appliances: A moderated dual-mediation model[J]. Frontiers in Psychology, 2023.(SSCI, JCR Q1, IF 4.23)
- Yu F, Jiang D, Wang T*. The impact of green innovation on manufacturing small and medium enterprises corporate social responsibility fulfillment [J]. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 2022.(通讯作者, SSCI JCR Q1, IF 8.46)
- Wang, Teng, Wang D*, and Liu Z. Feedback-seeking from team members increases employee creativity: the roles of thriving at work and mindfulness[J]. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2021: 1-20.(SSCI JCR Q2, ABS 3星, IF 4.50)
- Tian Ming, Teng Wang*, and Li X. Dual function of corporate social responsibility on R&D strategy: Moderating effect of board interlock[J]. Managerial and Decision Economics, 2021. (通讯作者, SSCI JCR Q3, IF 1.38)
- Yu Feifei, Shi Y, and Teng Wang. R&D investment and Chinese manufacturing SMEs’ corporate social responsibility: The moderating role of regional innovative milieu[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020(SCI JCR Q1, IF 11.07)
- Wang, Teng, Tian M, and Liu Z R. Unpacking the influence of major cities on corporate environmental performance in China: A perspective of spatial knowledge spillover[J]. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2019, 17(6) (SCI JCR Q4, IF 0.82)
- 周海炜,张蔚怡,王腾,赵又霖.政策工具视角下我国水安全政策文本分析三维框架[J]. 情报杂志,2022,41(09):62-70. (CSSCI期刊)
- 王腾, 周海炜,张阳*.社会责任视角下企业节水行为的促进机制探析[J]. 水利经济, 2021, 39(5): 66-71
- 王腾, 周海炜, 田鸣.企业地理位置对企业社会责任的合法化作用机制研究[J]. 我校学报(哲学社会科学版),2019,(4) (CSSCI期刊)
- 田鸣,王腾,张阳,唐震,余菲菲.国有股权让中国企业在创新中“分心”了吗?——来自高新技术上市公司的经验证据[J]. 研究与发展管理, 2019,31(05) (CSSCI期刊)
- Wang, Teng, and Murong Miao, “Bringing Sales Employees Envy into Focus: Prevention- Versus Promotion-Focused Employees on Engagement and Turnover Intention”, AMA Summer Academic Conference, August 2022, 美国.
- Wang, Teng, Murong Miao, Susana Jaramilo, and Yi Peng, “The Moderating Roles of Leader-Member Exchange and Coworker Exchange in Shaping the Relationship between Envy and Employee Behaviors”, SMA Society for Marketing Advances, November 2022, 美国.
- Wang, Teng, Hai-wei Zhou, Jie Li, “Unpacking the influence of geographic institutional fields on CSR in China: The role of major cities centers”, The 15th conference of International Federation of East Asian Management Associations, April 2019, 日本.
- Wang, Teng, Hai-wei Zhou, “Toward a spatial perspective on corporate social responsibility in China: The roles of institutional pressure and knowledge spillover”, The 14th World Congress of IFSAM 2018, June 2018, 上海.
1. 王腾, 周海炜. 《企业-城市空间邻近对企业社会责任的影响机制研究》, 2023.05,我校出版社
1. 教育部人文社科基金, “智能制造企业数据资源价值捕获机理研究:结构、能力、战略及其演化”. 2023.07-, 参与, 在研
2. 江苏省社科基金项目, “空间视角下江苏传统制造企业数字化转型的驱动机制与策略研究”. 2022.07-, 主持, 在研
2. 江苏省社科应用研究精品工程课题, “江苏企业绿色转型的空间驱动机制与策略研究”. 2022.08- 2022.12, 主持, 结项已报
3. 中央高校基本科研业务费项目, “高耗水企业水信息披露的消费者响应机理与激励策略研究”. 2022.06-, 主持, 在研
4. 水利部“水资源节约”专项课题, “节水型机关评价标准编制研究”. 2020.04 -2021.04, 40万元, 执行负责, 已结项
1. 江苏省优秀博士学位论文,江苏省学位委员会,2021
2. 我校优秀博士学位论文,我校,2021
3. 年度最佳论文奖,《研究与发展管理》编辑部,2019
1. Asia Pacific Journal of Management、Corporate Social Responsibility & Environmental Management、Managerial and Decision Economics、Current Psychology等SSCI期刊匿名审稿人
2. IPMA Special Interest Groups秘书处秘书
2020.07 ~ 2021.06 水利部节约用水促进中心 交流借调人员
2.北京市地方标准《DB11/T 1764.32-2021 用水定额 第32部分: 餐饮》(主要起草人)