教育背景: 博士,经济学专业,俄克拉荷马大学(美) 本科,汉语言文学、经济学专业,厦门大学 学术经历: 2014多次参加国际学术交流
1. "Bank System Reform and Outward Foreign Direct Investment of Chinese Enterprises," (with Yuchen Shao), Applied Economics Letters, 26 (18), 1511-1515.
2. "Corporate Tax Policy and Heterogeneous Firm Innovation: Evidence from a Developing Country," (with Yuchen Shao), Journal of Comparative Economics, 47(2), 470-486.
3. "Intergovernmental Revenue Relations, Tax Enforcement and Tax Shifting: Evidence from China," International Tax and Public Finance, 27, 128–152.
4. "Stay or Go? Intra-government Tax Competition and Firms' Location Decisions in China," (with Yaping Wu), Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 56(14), 3320-3350.
5. "Policy Certainty and Heterogeneous Firm Innovation: Evidence from a China," (with Dongming Kong and Xiandeng Jiang), China Economic Review, 63, 101500.
6. "Information System and CIT Enforcement: Evidence from China," (with Yuchen Shao), Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 39(6), 106772.
7. "少数民族人口规模与贫困村互助资金的扶贫效果研究——基于四川省县级数据的实证分析," (合作者,陈隆近),公共财政研究,2018(002),37-51.
8. "财政补贴真能促进消费嘛?——来自“家电下乡”微观数据的证据," (合作者,周波),中国经济问题,accepted.