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Hohai University's 2024 Business Special Employment (Internship) Job Fair was successfully launched

Publisher:沈敏洁Publish Time:2024-05-18Views:10

In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, implement the spirit of the important instructions of the General Secretary Xi Jinping and the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on the employment and entrepreneurship of college graduates, and further broaden the employment channels of graduates, the School of Business and the School of Economics and Finance actively responded to the special job fair of the departments of Hohai University's 2024 spring employment promotion action, and actively connected with state-owned enterprises, public institutions, and large and medium-sized private enterprises. On April 15, 38 family units including Hongye Futures held the 2024 Hohai University Business Special Employment (Internship) Job Fair in the lobby of Boxue Building, providing more than 600 employment (internship) positions for graduates, covering construction, finance, manufacturing, Internet and other industries.

The business employment (internship) job fair was carefully planned and widely publicized, and attracted fresh graduates from the School of Public Administration, the School of Law, the School of Marxism and the School of Foreign Chinese Languages to participate in the event while attracting business graduates. Through posters, brochures, face-to-face communication and other forms, the participating units introduced the company's profile, recruitment needs, promotion channels and other aspects to the job-seeking students. The students present shuttled between the booths with resumes in hand and communicated enthusiastically with the recruiters. The leaders and teachers of the college also came to the job fair to understand the demand of employers for graduates, accurately recommend graduates, and encourage students to actively apply. The atmosphere of the job fair was warm and orderly, and some students reached a preliminary employment or internship intention with the employer.

In order to promote the full and high-quality employment of the Class of 2024 graduates, the college planned ahead and took multiple measures at the same time. The leaders of the college led the team to actively carry out the action of visiting enterprises to expand jobs and promote employment, focusing on the characteristics of disciplines and the source of graduates, actively connecting with enterprises, and continuously promoting enterprise visits and exchanges and campus recruitment activities through going out and inviting in, so as to continuously deepen the connotation of supply and demand docking employment and education.


In the future, the college will continue to resolutely implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council to stabilize employment and ensure employment, seize the critical period of employment promotion in spring, accurately meet the employment development needs of business students, serve the new national strategy, serve regional economic and social development, and make every effort to promote higher quality and full employment of graduates.
