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Investor Education Enters 100 Schools--Huafu Securities Walks into HHBS special event was successfully held

Publisher:沈敏洁Publish Time:2024-06-05Views:10

In order to further strengthen students' understanding of financial information and cybersecurity, the Business School Student Association for Science and Technology and Huafu Securities jointly held a special event for investor education on campus in April 2024. Mr. Xu Xubin, the keynote speaker, introduced the professional knowledge of network security to the students with the theme of network information security in the financial industry, and called on everyone to improve their awareness of network security and pay attention to the protection of personal information.

First of all, Mr. Xu Xubin took the laws and regulations of network and information security as the starting point, explained the concept of network information security in simple terms, introduced in detail the scope of network security in the financial industry and the prevention methods, and analyzed the network and information security incidents related to the securities industry (such as China Merchants Securities, Oriental Wealth Securities, etc.) one by one.

In the second half of the presentation, Mr. Xu looked forward to the development of cyber security in the financial industry through a brief summary, and put forward valuable suggestions to the students present in combination with the actual situation. In terms of financial information security, Mr. Xu proposed to establish a line of defense security awareness, increase vigilance, and prevent attackers from taking advantage of the opportunity, and further extended to university campuses, calling on college students to establish network security awareness and develop a good concept of network information security.

In the final Q&A session, Mr. Xu had a wonderful discussion with the students. The students raised questions about the common cyber security issues in the financial industry and the employment situation of the financial industry in the current environment, and Mr. Xu gave detailed answers to the students based on his personal experience, encouraging everyone to pay attention to the prospects of the financial industry and plan for the future reasonably. Through this activity, the students had a richer understanding of network information security and deepened their understanding of the financial industry.
