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The first lecture of the "Joint Enterpreneurship" Salon for International Students in 2024 - Business Etiquette Knowledge Sharing

Publisher:沈敏洁Publish Time:2024-04-24Views:10

       The ancients said: If a person is rude, he will not stand. In order to deepen the understanding of business etiquette and improve the business literacy of international students at Hohai University, on April 25, 2024, the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center of the School of Business launched the first phase of the Hohai University International Students Joint Innovation Salon in 2024. Ms. Liu Shuangqin, associate professor and master's tutor of the School of Business, was specially invited as the keynote speaker to share the knowledge of business etiquette for the students. More than 70 international students from Hohai University signed up to participate.

       At the beginning of the lecture, the host Wei Nanyang welcomed the students with a warm speech and expressed his heartfelt thanks to Teacher Liu Shuangqin for his meticulous preparation.

        Professor Liu explained the connotation and application of business etiquette to the students in detail around appearance, dress, posture, handshake etiquette, etc. She first emphasized the importance of appearance etiquette, pointing out that in business situations, a person's dress, appearance, and manners will leave a deep impression on the other party, and proper dress, neat appearance, and confident manners are the keys to creating a professional image. Then, professor Liu started with the details of hair, face, eyes, ears, neck, legs, etc., and guided the students to pay attention to and optimize every detail to ensure that they can show their best selves in business situations. During the lecture, the students actively participated in the interaction, asking questions to the teacher about clothing and workplace etiquette, and the teacher answered patiently and meticulously.


       Then professor Liu explained in depth the details that need to be paid attention to when carrying out business cooperation with different countries, especially when conducting economic and trade exchanges with China. She believes that proficiency in Chinese and understanding of China's business culture are key to effective communication with Chinese. In addition, students need to be familiar with Chinese meeting etiquette and learn to appropriately express their willingness to agree and refuse. Through shari ng, the students had a clearer understanding of the mysteries of business communication, and understood that language mastery, expression methods, and cultural understanding all play a vital role in transnational cooperation.

         At the end of the lecture, professor Liu shared the relevant knowledge of meeting etiquette and business card exchange. She explained in detail the seating skills of the meeting, such as the seating arrangement skills of guests and hosts, and the details of seating arrangements for business negotiations. After the brief sharing, She also let the students deeply understand the etiquette and precautions of business card exchange through the interactive session of business card exchange.

         Finally, some teachers and students of Hohai University who participated in this event took a group photo.
