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Hohai University has made a number of innovative theoretical achievements in the field of water rights management

Publisher:沈敏洁Publish Time:2024-03-25Views:12

China's rapid social and economic development and global climate change have led to an increasingly prominent contradiction between supply and demand of water resources. From the perspective of geography, water rights management includes both cross-border and domestic river basins, from the perspective of stages, including the initial confirmation and allocation of water rights and the management of water rights trading in the secondary market, and from the perspective of categories, it includes both conventional water and reclaimed water ownership. Strengthening the management of water rights is not only conducive to promoting the conservation and intensive use of water resources, so that limited water resources can create greater social and economic value, but also conducive to improving the spatial balance pattern of water resources and promoting the harmonious coexistence of man and water. To this end, the research team of Professor Wu Fengping of Hohai University has been engaged in theoretical and methodological research in the field of water rights management for many years, and has achieved a number of innovative theoretical achievements.

In terms of the confirmation and allocation of cross-border water resources, the team presided over the major project of the National Social Science Foundation of China, Research on the Methods and Guarantee System of Cross-border Water Resources Confirmation and Distribution (17ZDA064). The main innovative achievements include: (1) a new concept of establishing a community with a shared future for water security for cross-border rivers is proposed. Based on the basin-wide perspective, with water as the carrier, with the goal of maintaining the sustainable use of transboundary water resources, and with the criterion of benefit sharing and win-win cooperation, the new concept of establishing a community with a shared future for water security on transboundary rivers is proposed, so as to promote cooperation among river basin countries and maintain bilateral/multilateral relations among river basin countries. (2) A new idea of spatial equilibrium allocation of transboundary water resources is proposed. Combined with the characteristics of transboundary rivers and based on the concept of community with a shared future for water security, a new idea of spatial balance distribution of transboundary water resources is proposed, so as to promote the fair and reasonable utilization of transboundary water resources. (3) A new idea for constructing a cross-border water resources rights and interests protection system is proposed. Based on the concept of community with a shared future for water security, under the framework of international water law, taking into account natural and social factors, taking the principles of benefit sharing, reciprocity of rights and responsibilities, and the purpose of safeguarding the health and life of transboundary rivers, a new idea of building a rights and interests protection system of transboundary water resources with clear ownership, clear rights and responsibilities, coordinated and orderly, strict supervision and strong protection is proposed.

In terms of initial water right allocation, the team presided over the Ministry of Water Resources' public welfare industry special project Research on the Initial Harmonious Allocation Method of Water Rights in River Basins (200701028), the National Natural Science Foundation of China general project Research on the Initial Water Rights Coupling Allocation Method in River Basins under the Strictest Water Resources Management System (41271537), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China General Project Research on the Allocation Method of Reclaimed Water in Water Environment Sensitive Areas (42271303). The main innovative achievements include: (1) the establishment of the initial coupling allocation model of water rights in provinces and regions. Based on the dual control objectives of water quantity and water quality, the water quantity and quality are coupled, the function of rewarding the good and punishing the inferior is introduced, and the quantitative and qualitative coupling configuration model based on the principle of rewarding the good and punishing the inferior is established, and the initial water rights of different provinces and regions in the basin are calculated. The configuration results of the model are in line with the development status and development trend of the complex system of social-economic-ecological in China's river basins. (2) Improve the existing government reserved water allocation model. This paper proposes a combined prediction model based on the case reasoning method and the quota method to predict the reserved water demand of the basin-level government, which has the advantages of taking into account both objective demand and policy orientation, and is an extended research on the prediction model of the reserved water quantity of the basin-level government. Based on the idea of double-sided coupling allocation, a two-sided coupling model of government reserved water supply and demand was established, and a specific method was proposed for the determination of the reserved water quantity of the river basin government, and the allocation model of the reserved water of the government at the river basin level was improved. (3) A circular coupling model between the initial water rights of provinces and regions and the reserved water amount of the basin-level government is proposed. Based on the principle of system decomposition and coordination, the internal coupling model of the initial water right allocation subsystem of the province and the river basin-level government reserved water allocation subsystem is established, and then the coupling coordination degree discrimination criterion is constructed, and the circulation coupling model between the two subsystems is established, so as to obtain the initial water right allocation scheme of the river basin with the best coupling coordination degree of the system. The model can fully reflect the initial water right allocation mechanism of the basin, which is conducive to improving the satisfaction of the initial water right allocation scheme of the basin.

In terms of water rights trading, the team has presided over the general project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China Research on the Formation Mechanism and Control of Water Rights Trading in China under Market Guidance (71774048), and the general project of the National Social Science Foundation of China Research on the Risk Measurement and Early Warning Mechanism of Water Resources from Agricultural to Non-agricultural Conversion under Food Security and Supply Assurance (23BTJ052). The main innovative achievements include: (1) The basic price calculation model of water right trading based on full cost under market guidance is constructed. Based on the costs directly incurred by the transferor in the process of water rights trading, the explicit and implicit costs of water rights transactions are calculated in combination with the specific forms of water rights transactions. The necessity of calculating the explicit and implicit costs of water rights trading and the influencing factors of the explicit cost of water rights trading are refined. (2) Construct a market-oriented basic price calculation model for water rights trading based on shadow prices. The basic price calculation model of water rights trading based on the shadow price method under market guidance was constructed in two stages. In the first stage, the shadow price models of the transferor and the transferee are constructed respectively. In the second stage, with the goal of maximizing the overall benefit of the national economy, a bilateral coupled game equilibrium calculation model was constructed based on the game idea. (3) Construct the basic + negotiation market pricing model under the one-to-one scenario and the basic + auction market pricing model under the one-to-many scenario. On the basis of the basic price calculation of water rights trading, considering the uncertainty in the process of price negotiation, the basic assumptions of the model construction are proposed, and the bargaining game model in the one-to-one transaction is established. Considering the ambiguity and uncertainty in the auction bidding process, a British auction game model in one-to-many transaction is established. (4) Establish a price control system for water rights trading under China's national conditions. This paper proposes a water right transaction price control model under China's national conditions, which mainly includes two aspects: the core system of water right transaction price management and the transaction price control guarantee system, which provides new ideas for improving the water right transaction price management system in China.

Based on the above research, the team has published more than 100 academic papers and 4 monographs, including Research on the Coupling Allocation Method of Initial Water Rights in River Basins. His achievements have won 5 provincial awards from government ministries and ministries, including the second prize of the 9th Outstanding Scientific Research Achievement Award of Colleges and Universities of the Ministry of Education (2024), the second prize of the 17th Outstanding Achievement Award of Philosophy and Social Sciences of Jiangsu Province (2023). (2024-03-22 15:36:00 Source: )

