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MEM Center

Publisher:苏迪管理员Publish Time:2022-12-29Views:10

The MEM Education Center of Hohai University

The MEM Education Center was established in 2004. It is the first full-time professional degree education management institution in the field of engineering to be established among the various schools of Hohai University. It is mainly responsible for the enrollment, training, management and educational research of the master's degree, including master of engineering management, the master of

international business, the master of finance, and master of library information. In recent years, the center has gradually formulated and improved various rules and regulations, mainly including student source organization, teaching training, management services, comprehensive evaluation, education research, etc., and they have been continuously improved in the work process. The center has always adhered to the educational philosophy of changes according to needs, based on the actual situation of employers, students and schools, modularized the training program, formulated a flexible and scientific training implementation program, and continuously revised it during the implementation process. The whole process of teaching management is controlled and optimized through a multi-level evaluation system.

The Dean of the Business School of Hohai University is responsible for the overall management of the development of the college; the Deputy Dean in charge of graduate students is responsible for the graduate education of the school; the Dean Assistant of professional degree and the Director of the MEM center are specifically responsible for the MEM professional degree program; the Executive Director of the MEM center specifically performs the routine management work for the MEM program. The Academic Director of the MEM Center is specifically responsible for the training and quality of the MEM program. The MEM Center has 10 full-time administrative staffs and 2 part-time staffs, in charge of enrollment, educational affairs, training, graduation, finance and other matters. The specific organizational structure is shown in the figure below. The MEM Education Center has 10 full-time staff responsible for the operation of the program. There are 1 executive director, 3 marketing and admission positions, 1 academic and degree management position, 1 learning management position, 1 student work and career development position, 1 student activity and brand management position, and 1 administrative management position, 1 alumni service position.

Master of Engineering Management (MEM) Program of Hohai University

Program Overview:

In the past 20 years, relying on the comprehensive advantages of civil engineering, water conservancy and other engineering disciplines of Hohai University and the economics and management disciplines of the School of Business, and adhering to the mission of the School of Business “To pursue excellence in knowledge creation, integration and application, and to breed practical business elites” and the values of  Taking the character of water as our highest standard of behavior and morality. We strive to make contribution to our community and society, the MEM program of Hohai University has trained a large number of senior management talents with basic knowledge of management, economics and engineering, who master the theories, methods and means of modern management science; have social responsibility, innovation spirit and sustainable development concept, and are able to engage in the whole process of project management in the field of engineering construction at home and abroad.

History of The Program:

In 2004, the Master of Engineering Education Center was established in the School of Business of Hohai University. In 2009, it became the training unit of the cooperation between the Master of Engineering in Project Management and the International Project Management Certification (IPMP) and meanwhile it was authorized as the IPMP Certification and Training Center of IMSU. In 2011, the Master of Engineering in the field of project management was awarded the National Engineering Master's Postgraduate Education Special Project. In 2015, the Master of Engineering in Project Management was accredited by PMI-GAC, so that Hohai University became the eighth university in mainland China to be accredited by PMI-GAC. In 2016, the Master of Engineering Management, the Master of Engineering in Project Management, Industrial Engineering and Logistics Engineering all passed the evaluation of the degree points of the Ministry of Education. In 2017, the program became the first batch of cooperative training units of Master of Engineering Management (MEM) degree and IPMP qualification certification in China, while it was authorized as International Project Manager (IPMP) Talent Training Base. In 2022, the Master of Engineering Management passed PMI-GAC international re-certification. In the past 5 years, 665 students were enrolled in the program, and 307 students were awarded professional degrees. 5 theses were awarded as excellent theses at university level and 1 thesis was awarded as excellent thesis for professional degree in Jiangsu Province in 2022.

Length of Schooling and Research Areas:

The standard duration is 2 years, including full-time and part-time, and the research direction involves construction engineering, industrial engineering, logistics engineering, financial engineering, information engineering, environmental engineering and international engineering.

Features of The Program:

The MEM program at Hohai University relies on the strengths of Hohai University's engineering, management and economics disciplines, highlighting the integration of engineering and economic management disciplines, and focusing on cultivating students' practical analysis and problem-solving abilities. The main cultivation features include:

  • Meeting international standards and ensuring quality training

The program meets the international standards recognized by PMI and achieves international convergence. Hohai University is the only university in Jiangsu Province with PMP training qualification. Students can take the PMP certification exam after completing the course, which can provide re-education and accumulate PDUs for them.

■ Cross-integration of degree programs and collaborative innovation in cultivation system

The sharing of disciplinary support platforms for degree programs such as MEM, MBA and MPAcc is achieved through curriculum interchange, sharing of student activities and complementary case resources. The cross-fertilization of engineering and economic management disciplines also provides students with a ground for cultivating diversified and innovative thinking, meeting the knowledge needs of today's society for complex and high-quality talents.

■ Rich hardware and software resources, superior cultivation environment

The Business School of Hohai University has experimental conditions such as competitive intelligence laboratory, management decision and system-analysis laboratory, management-behavior laboratory and action-learning laboratory, as well as abundant periodicals, database resources and computer network environment, which provide a strong hardware support platform for the cultivation of applied engineering management talents.

Master of Finance (MF) Program of Hohai University

Program Overview:

The Master of Finance program of Hohai University takes the mission of cultivating financial talents in the water-related field, closely follows the major national strategies, regional development needs and industry development needs. It is committed to cultivating politically qualified financial talents who have solid basic theory and professional knowledge strategic thinking, international vision, proficient financial skills and excellent foreign language skills, and who are with good professionalism and social responsibility. The degree program is dedicated to cultivating high-level financial talents who understand the industry, are proficient in finance, are good at research and can practice. The degree program emphasizes learning through practice and growing through practice and focuses on continuous practical learning and the overall design of various practical methods to enhance students' professional skills and practical skills. At present, it has established professional practice bases in more than 10 enterprises, including Holly Futures Co., Ltd., and formed a joint training mechanism with dual mentors.

History of The Program:

In 2011, Hohai University was granted the right to confer the Master of Finance (MF) degree, and began enrolment in 2012, with a cumulative total of 81 students being awarded the professional master's degree, including 14 students to be awarded the professional master's degree in 2022. Hohai University began strategic cooperation with regional backbone enterprises, including strategic collaboration with Jiangsu Soho Holdings Group Co., Ltd.. This kind of collaboration introduced enterprises to participate in teaching and training financial professionals for enterprises so that began cooperation between the university and enterprises to build a base for the integration of industry and education. Hohai University’s collaboration was approved by the Jiangsu Provincial Government. It jointly trained 19 professional masters and won two excellent master's theses in Jiangsu Province. At present, the number of students is basically stable, around 15 students per year. The quality of student source, training level and employment structure are constantly improving.

Length of Schooling and Research Areas:

The Master of Professional Degree in Finance can be studied in both full-time and part-time modes. The standard study period is three years, with a flexible academic system. Specific research directions include:

■ Infrastructure Investment and Financing

The programme is geared towards the implementation of major national strategies, closely follows the investment and financing practices of major projects such as the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, and takes the financial needs of water-related industries such as water conservancy, transportation and energy as a starting point to cultivate innovative financial talents in the field of infrastructure investment and financing to support national strategies, major projects and industry development.

■ Corporate Investment and Financing

This course is designed to address the issues of corporate investment and financing in the Chinese context, highlighting university-enterprise cooperation and the integration of industry and education, and to bring into play the advantages of industry resources and the ability to transform scientific research results at Hohai University, so as to cultivate financial application talents who can serve the transformation and development of the region, industry and enterprises.

■ Cross-border Investment

To address the practical issues of cross-border investment in One Belt, One Road and Lan-Me cooperation, it relies on the Overseas China government, industry, academia, research and literature collaboration network, the Chinese Council of BRICS Think Tank Cooperation and other platform organisations to promote cross-border cooperation between industry, academia and research. Taking international certification as a grip, the programme also promotes cross-border cooperation between industry, academia and research, and uses international certification as a tool to train international talents in finance.

Features of The Program:

Relying on the comprehensive advantages of the engineering disciplines of civil engineering and water conservancy of Hohai University and the economics and management disciplines of the business school, under the three-dimensional perspective of innovation - application - international, the program focuses on the combination of theory and practice, strengthening the cultivation of investment and financing management, financial transactions, financial products, financial risk management and other areas of competence. The programme is designed to meet the needs of national strategies, regional development and industry development, to give full play to the advantages of the disciplines and faculty of Hohai University, to focus on the cross-fertilization of professional training fields and students' backgrounds, and to invite scholars and industry experts from various fields to give lectures to expand the breadth and depth of students' thinking. Specific features include:

■ Focusing on the strengths of the industry, helping to implement investment and financing for major projects

Relying on the national leading edge of the water-related industry of Hohai University, teachers and students are encouraged to actively participate in the investment and financing activities of major projects, such as the South-North Water Diversion Project and the Three Gorges Project. Through scientific research and social practice, we provide multi-level and all-round technical consultation, scientific and technological research and talent training services in water finance. Meanwhile, we transform scientific research results into talent training cases and providing advice and suggestions for investment and financing of major projects.

■ Grasp the opportunities of regional development strategies and stimulate the vitality of enterprise investment and financing

In view of the major opportunities arising from the overlapping national strategies such as the integration of the Yangtze River Delta, the Yangtze River Economic Belt and coastal development, and in response to the realistic needs of enterprises for investment and financing optimization, the Institute of Economic Development of South Jiangsu Province of Hohai University has actively utilized its advantages accumulated over the past 30 years to offer courses such as Theory and Practice of Futures and Options Investment in cooperation with enterprises, so as to teach professional knowledge to students and employees of enterprises. We also participate in the establishment of investment and financing platforms such as the Sea Investment Association to provide professional services for alumni enterprises in investment and financing.

■ Following the pace of enterprises' going out, serving the high-quality development of cross-border investment

In response to the country's strategic requirement of expanding overseas space, and in response to the practical needs of cross-border investment by enterprises going out, relying on the Belt and Road Water Strategic Alliance, the Belt and Road Water and Sustainable Development Fund and the Overseas Center of Hohai University, we provided services to the West Port Special Zone in Cambodia, the China-Arab (UAE) Group and other high-quality enterprises at home and abroad. The project will provide services for the construction of demonstration bases, such as the West Port Special Zone in Cambodia and the China-Arab (UAE) Capacity Cooperation Demonstration Park, in order to build a collaborative network of Overseas China Jiangsu and provide services to Chinese enterprises along the Belt and Road route. The Overseas China Jiangsu collaborative network will be established to provide financial services and talent so that we can provide support to Chinese enterprises in countries along the Belt and Road route.


Master of Finance (MF) Program of Hohai University

Program Overview:

The Master of Finance program of Hohai University takes the mission of cultivating financial talents in the water-related field, closely follows the major national strategies, regional development needs and industry development needs. It is committed to cultivating politically qualified financial talents who have solid basic theory and professional knowledge strategic thinking, international vision, proficient financial skills and excellent foreign language skills, and who are with good professionalism and social responsibility. The degree program is dedicated to cultivating high-level financial talents who understand the industry, are proficient in finance, are good at research and can practice. The degree program emphasizes learning through practice and growing through practice and focuses on continuous practical learning and the overall design of various practical methods to enhance students' professional skills and practical skills. At present, it has established professional practice bases in more than 10 enterprises, including Holly Futures Co., Ltd., and formed a joint training mechanism with dual mentors.

History of The Program:

In 2011, Hohai University was granted the right to confer the Master of Finance (MF) degree, and began enrolment in 2012, with a cumulative total of 81 students being awarded the professional master's degree, including 14 students to be awarded the professional master's degree in 2022. Hohai University began strategic cooperation with regional backbone enterprises, including strategic collaboration with Jiangsu Soho Holdings Group Co., Ltd.. This kind of collaboration introduced enterprises to participate in teaching and training financial professionals for enterprises so that began cooperation between the university and enterprises to build a base for the integration of industry and education. Hohai University’s collaboration was approved by the Jiangsu Provincial Government. It jointly trained 19 professional masters and won two excellent master's theses in Jiangsu Province. At present, the number of students is basically stable, around 15 students per year. The quality of student source, training level and employment structure are constantly improving.

Length of Schooling and Research Areas:

The Master of Professional Degree in Finance can be studied in both full-time and part-time modes. The standard study period is three years, with a flexible academic system. Specific research directions include:

■ Infrastructure Investment and Financing

The programme is geared towards the implementation of major national strategies, closely follows the investment and financing practices of major projects such as the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, and takes the financial needs of water-related industries such as water conservancy, transportation and energy as a starting point to cultivate innovative financial talents in the field of infrastructure investment and financing to support national strategies, major projects and industry development.

■ Corporate Investment and Financing

This course is designed to address the issues of corporate investment and financing in the Chinese context, highlighting university-enterprise cooperation and the integration of industry and education, and to bring into play the advantages of industry resources and the ability to transform scientific research results at Hohai University, so as to cultivate financial application talents who can serve the transformation and development of the region, industry and enterprises.

■ Cross-border Investment

To address the practical issues of cross-border investment in One Belt, One Road and Lan-Me cooperation, it relies on the Overseas China government, industry, academia, research and literature collaboration network, the Chinese Council of BRICS Think Tank Cooperation and other platform organisations to promote cross-border cooperation between industry, academia and research. Taking international certification as a grip, the programme also promotes cross-border cooperation between industry, academia and research, and uses international certification as a tool to train international talents in finance.

Features of The Program:

Relying on the comprehensive advantages of the engineering disciplines of civil engineering and water conservancy of Hohai University and the economics and management disciplines of the business school, under the three-dimensional perspective of innovation - application - international, the program focuses on the combination of theory and practice, strengthening the cultivation of investment and financing management, financial transactions, financial products, financial risk management and other areas of competence. The programme is designed to meet the needs of national strategies, regional development and industry development, to give full play to the advantages of the disciplines and faculty of Hohai University, to focus on the cross-fertilization of professional training fields and students' backgrounds, and to invite scholars and industry experts from various fields to give lectures to expand the breadth and depth of students' thinking. Specific features include:

■ Focusing on the strengths of the industry, helping to implement investment and financing for major projects

Relying on the national leading edge of the water-related industry of Hohai University, teachers and students are encouraged to actively participate in the investment and financing activities of major projects, such as the South-North Water Diversion Project and the Three Gorges Project. Through scientific research and social practice, we provide multi-level and all-round technical consultation, scientific and technological research and talent training services in water finance. Meanwhile, we transform scientific research results into talent training cases and providing advice and suggestions for investment and financing of major projects.

■ Grasp the opportunities of regional development strategies and stimulate the vitality of enterprise investment and financing

In view of the major opportunities arising from the overlapping national strategies such as the integration of the Yangtze River Delta, the Yangtze River Economic Belt and coastal development, and in response to the realistic needs of enterprises for investment and financing optimization, the Institute of Economic Development of South Jiangsu Province of Hohai University has actively utilized its advantages accumulated over the past 30 years to offer courses such as Theory and Practice of Futures and Options Investment in cooperation with enterprises, so as to teach professional knowledge to students and employees of enterprises. We also participate in the establishment of investment and financing platforms such as the Sea Investment Association to provide professional services for alumni enterprises in investment and financing.

■ Following the pace of enterprises' going out, serving the high-quality development of cross-border investment

In response to the country's strategic requirement of expanding overseas space, and in response to the practical needs of cross-border investment by enterprises going out, relying on the Belt and Road Water Strategic Alliance, the Belt and Road Water and Sustainable Development Fund and the Overseas Center of Hohai University, we provided services to the West Port Special Zone in Cambodia, the China-Arab (UAE) Group and other high-quality enterprises at home and abroad. The project will provide services for the construction of demonstration bases, such as the West Port Special Zone in Cambodia and the China-Arab (UAE) Capacity Cooperation Demonstration Park, in order to build a collaborative network of Overseas China Jiangsu and provide services to Chinese enterprises along the Belt and Road route. The Overseas China Jiangsu collaborative network will be established to provide financial services and talent so that we can provide support to Chinese enterprises in countries along the Belt and Road route.


Master of Finance (MF) Program of Hohai University

Program Overview:

The Master of Finance program of Hohai University takes the mission of cultivating financial talents in the water-related field, closely follows the major national strategies, regional development needs and industry development needs. It is committed to cultivating politically qualified financial talents who have solid basic theory and professional knowledge strategic thinking, international vision, proficient financial skills and excellent foreign language skills, and who are with good professionalism and social responsibility. The degree program is dedicated to cultivating high-level financial talents who understand the industry, are proficient in finance, are good at research and can practice. The degree program emphasizes learning through practice and growing through practice and focuses on continuous practical learning and the overall design of various practical methods to enhance students' professional skills and practical skills. At present, it has established professional practice bases in more than 10 enterprises, including Holly Futures Co., Ltd., and formed a joint training mechanism with dual mentors.

History of The Program:

In 2011, Hohai University was granted the right to confer the Master of Finance (MF) degree, and began enrolment in 2012, with a cumulative total of 81 students being awarded the professional master's degree, including 14 students to be awarded the professional master's degree in 2022. Hohai University began strategic cooperation with regional backbone enterprises, including strategic collaboration with Jiangsu Soho Holdings Group Co., Ltd.. This kind of collaboration introduced enterprises to participate in teaching and training financial professionals for enterprises so that began cooperation between the university and enterprises to build a base for the integration of industry and education. Hohai University’s collaboration was approved by the Jiangsu Provincial Government. It jointly trained 19 professional masters and won two excellent master's theses in Jiangsu Province. At present, the number of students is basically stable, around 15 students per year. The quality of student source, training level and employment structure are constantly improving.

Length of Schooling and Research Areas:

The Master of Professional Degree in Finance can be studied in both full-time and part-time modes. The standard study period is three years, with a flexible academic system. Specific research directions include:

■ Infrastructure Investment and Financing

The programme is geared towards the implementation of major national strategies, closely follows the investment and financing practices of major projects such as the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, and takes the financial needs of water-related industries such as water conservancy, transportation and energy as a starting point to cultivate innovative financial talents in the field of infrastructure investment and financing to support national strategies, major projects and industry development.

■ Corporate Investment and Financing

This course is designed to address the issues of corporate investment and financing in the Chinese context, highlighting university-enterprise cooperation and the integration of industry and education, and to bring into play the advantages of industry resources and the ability to transform scientific research results at Hohai University, so as to cultivate financial application talents who can serve the transformation and development of the region, industry and enterprises.

■ Cross-border Investment

To address the practical issues of cross-border investment in One Belt, One Road and Lan-Me cooperation, it relies on the Overseas China government, industry, academia, research and literature collaboration network, the Chinese Council of BRICS Think Tank Cooperation and other platform organisations to promote cross-border cooperation between industry, academia and research. Taking international certification as a grip, the programme also promotes cross-border cooperation between industry, academia and research, and uses international certification as a tool to train international talents in finance.

Features of The Program:

Relying on the comprehensive advantages of the engineering disciplines of civil engineering and water conservancy of Hohai University and the economics and management disciplines of the business school, under the three-dimensional perspective of innovation - application - international, the program focuses on the combination of theory and practice, strengthening the cultivation of investment and financing management, financial transactions, financial products, financial risk management and other areas of competence. The programme is designed to meet the needs of national strategies, regional development and industry development, to give full play to the advantages of the disciplines and faculty of Hohai University, to focus on the cross-fertilization of professional training fields and students' backgrounds, and to invite scholars and industry experts from various fields to give lectures to expand the breadth and depth of students' thinking. Specific features include:

■ Focusing on the strengths of the industry, helping to implement investment and financing for major projects

Relying on the national leading edge of the water-related industry of Hohai University, teachers and students are encouraged to actively participate in the investment and financing activities of major projects, such as the South-North Water Diversion Project and the Three Gorges Project. Through scientific research and social practice, we provide multi-level and all-round technical consultation, scientific and technological research and talent training services in water finance. Meanwhile, we transform scientific research results into talent training cases and providing advice and suggestions for investment and financing of major projects.

■ Grasp the opportunities of regional development strategies and stimulate the vitality of enterprise investment and financing

In view of the major opportunities arising from the overlapping national strategies such as the integration of the Yangtze River Delta, the Yangtze River Economic Belt and coastal development, and in response to the realistic needs of enterprises for investment and financing optimization, the Institute of Economic Development of South Jiangsu Province of Hohai University has actively utilized its advantages accumulated over the past 30 years to offer courses such as Theory and Practice of Futures and Options Investment in cooperation with enterprises, so as to teach professional knowledge to students and employees of enterprises. We also participate in the establishment of investment and financing platforms such as the Sea Investment Association to provide professional services for alumni enterprises in investment and financing.

■ Following the pace of enterprises' going out, serving the high-quality development of cross-border investment

In response to the country's strategic requirement of expanding overseas space, and in response to the practical needs of cross-border investment by enterprises going out, relying on the Belt and Road Water Strategic Alliance, the Belt and Road Water and Sustainable Development Fund and the Overseas Center of Hohai University, we provided services to the West Port Special Zone in Cambodia, the China-Arab (UAE) Group and other high-quality enterprises at home and abroad. The project will provide services for the construction of demonstration bases, such as the West Port Special Zone in Cambodia and the China-Arab (UAE) Capacity Cooperation Demonstration Park, in order to build a collaborative network of Overseas China Jiangsu and provide services to Chinese enterprises along the Belt and Road route. The Overseas China Jiangsu collaborative network will be established to provide financial services and talent so that we can provide support to Chinese enterprises in countries along the Belt and Road route.


Master of International Business (MIB) Program of Hohai University

Program Overview:

The Master of International Business program of Hohai University is oriented to build a new pattern of high-level opening to the outside world, promote the quality and level of international business cooperation. It follows national and regional major development strategies. It faces the outer-cycle economy and the latest internationalization practices. It also gives full play to the characteristic advantages of Hohai University, and cultivates high-level applied talents with first-class professional ability and good professionalism. The project’s teaching focuses on the use of new teaching concepts and methods such as interactive learning, case studies, field research and practical simulations. It also focuses on cross-disciplinary, industry-education integration and practical teaching, and deepening collaborative education. The faculty team combines renowned academics with professionals from home and abroad who have rich practical experience. All lecturers have PhD degrees and senior titles.

History of The Program:

The Master of International Business (MIB) program was established in 1993, initially named Foreign Economics, renamed International Trade and Finance in 2002, and changed to International Business in 2005 as a result of China's accession to the WTO. And then it was granted the right to confer the MIB degree in 2010. With the One Belt, One Road initiative put forward by the state, the development of the Master of International Business program of Hohai University has always insisted on industry-university-research cooperation with enterprises and government departments inside and outside the province, and actively explored new modes of schooling to serve the needs of foreign-related business talents in the construction of the new development pattern of the double cycle. The program has been actively exploring new modes of operation to serve the needs of foreign-related business talents. At present, more than 100 MIB masters have been trained, and the enrollment scale has been stabilized from 7 students/year to 15 students/year. The quality of students, training level and employment structure have been continuously improved.

Length of Schooling and Research Areas:

The Master's degree in International Business can be studied in both full-time and part-time modes. The standard academic term is three years, with a flexible academic system. Specific research directions include:

  • International Trade and Cross-border E-Commerce

Theoretical and practical approaches to international trade and cross-border e-commerce are used to analyze the transaction behavior of transaction subjects belonging to different customs borders, to master the theory and practice of concluding transactions and settling payments through international trade or cross-border e-commerce platforms, and to manage the operation of e-commerce platforms and online trading platforms for international cross-border logistics to deliver goods and complete transactions.

  • International Investment and Multinational Operations

The programme applies modern international investment theory and practice, the basic theory and practical skills of multinational corporation management to make international investment decisions, implement investment plans and evaluate investment performance, so as to design and implement efficient and reasonable business solutions around cross-border merger and acquisition integration and subsidiary operation management.

  • International Finance and Risk Management

This course integrates theories and methods of financial management to analyze and manage the financial information of enterprises, to design practical and strategic financial management solutions such as financing and investment solutions, and to effectively manage the international financial risks that may arise in international business operations.

Features of The Program:

Relying on the comprehensive advantages of the engineering disciplines of civil engineering and water conservancy of Hohai University and the economics and management disciplines of the School of Business, the Master of International Business (MIB) of Hohai University cultivates high-level, applied and complex talents who uphold the leadership of the Communist Party of China, love the motherland, obey the law, have a high sense of social responsibility to serve the country and the people, who are with good professional ethics, entrepreneurial spirit, physical and mental health, who can master the solid basic theory and broad professional knowledge of international business. The program is designed for high-level, application-oriented and complex talents who are capable of developing international markets, with proficiency in international business skills, high foreign language proficiency and cross-cultural communication skills. Specific features include:

 Keeping up with major national and regional strategies

The program follows the pace of the new national development pattern of the double cycle. It is geared towards the new talent needs of building the One Belt, One Road, emphasizing the ability to deal with real business problems in different cultural environments, and cultivating international investment talents who can seize the opportunities of international investment and cross-border business, and who are good at effectively managing foreign-related financial risks.

  • Take advantage of the characteristics of water-related industries

We will make full use of our strengths in water-related, environmental and engineering industries to meet the real needs of overseas water infrastructure construction in different countries. We will help overseas international engineering construction along the One Belt, One Road route, and train international engineering talents who understand both the international market and international standards.

 Transformation and upgrading of international trade

Actively respond to the new world trade pattern in the post-epidemic era, facing the new situation that the international trade model is switching to cross-border e-commerce at an accelerated pace, closely following the new practice of major foreign trade enterprises in developing cross-border e-commerce business, Hohai University cultivates new business talents who are familiar with the new trade pattern and practice of cross-border e-commerce, the policies and cases of the national pilot free trade zone.

Master of Library and Information Studies (MLIS) Programme of Hohai University

Project Overview

It faces the national big data strategy, serves the government and enterprises and institutions through the mutual transformation of data, information, knowledge and intelligence. It serves the planning, allocation, transaction, management and consultation of data element resources, promotes the value-added of data. Meanwhile it is committed to cultivating high-level, application-oriented and service-oriented complex talents with good information literacy, data literacy and professional literacy for society. Our teaching focuses on the use of new teaching concepts and methods such as interactive learning, case studies, field research and practical simulations, which is based on cross-disciplinary, industry-education integration and practical teaching to deepen collaborative education. The faculty team combines renowned academically influential scholars with experienced professionals from home and abroad. All lecturers have PhDs and senior titles.

Project History

On October 9th, 2010, the National Library and Wuhan University signed a strategic cooperation agreement to cooperate for the first time in training master's degree students in library intelligence. In 2018, Hohai University was granted the right to confer the Master of Library and Information Systems (MLIS) degree, which is geared towards the national strategy of strengthening the country's data and the development of the big data industry in Jiangsu Province. The program is based on library business disciplines and intelligence information disciplines, insisting on industry-university-research cooperation with enterprises and government management departments, and actively exploring new modes of schooling to serve the cultivation of high-level, complex and professional library and intelligence talents. The master's degree in library and intelligence education at Hohai University is centered on the Yangtze River Delta, and is deeply rooted in Jiangsu Province and radiates nationwide. The scale of enrolment has been stabilized from 20 students per year to 45 students per year. Until December 2022, 52 graduates have been delivered to enterprises, universities and other institutions.

Duration and Study Direction

MLIS students can adopt both full-time and part-time study modes. The standard duration of study for full-time and part-time master's degree students is three years, with a flexible academic system. Specific research directions include:

 Information Resource Management and Knowledge Management

We use integrate theoretical approaches related to information resource management and knowledge management to collect, clean, process, mine, share and apply information resources in different fields such as water resources, finance, electricity and books. In order to provide targeted information services to users in different fields, we also master the process of data ordering, organizing and knowledge management.

 Business Data Analysis

We have the ability to apply quantitative methods to process and analyze complex business data and apply them to solve decision making and management problems in the business field. We use theoretical methods such as business statistics, business decision making, data management and mining techniques to meet the professional business intelligence and business intelligence needs of the information analysis and intelligence strategy departments of enterprises.

 Industry Competitive Intelligence

Based on the intelligence planning work, we use the principles, methods and techniques of competitive intelligence, carry out work according to the scope and content of collection set by us, judge the sources and channels of information, the scope and methods of information collection, and provide scientific decision-making for enterprise development strategies, government industrial layout and policy formulation.

Programme training features

The Master degree of Library and Intelligence (MLIS) of Hohai University cultivates high-level, applied and service-oriented library and intelligence professionals who master solid basic theories and broad professional knowledge in the field of library and intelligence, who are able to carry out intelligence processing, analysis and research and development by making comprehensive use of knowledge in economics, management, computers and law, and who can be competent to work in the fields of data analysis, intelligence research and information consulting services in government and enterprise institutions, and who have good information literacy, data literacy and This course is designed for high-level, application-oriented and service-oriented library and intelligence professionals with good information literacy, data literacy and professional literacy. Specific features include:

 Follow the national big data development strategy

We cultivate complex data analysis application talents around making full use of the potential value of data to empower the transformation and upgrading of enterprises and social governance.

 Leveraging the distinctive strengths of water-related industries

We establish a strong data strategy and data governance mechanism around unlocking the potential of data elements to enhance the data governance capabilities of traditional industries, including the water sector, and ensure that the value of data is added.

 Facing digital technology to promote industrial transformation and upgrading

We cultivate new data-analysis talents who are familiar with enterprise transformation and upgrading problem insights, data elements ecological construction, and high-quality development application scenarios.
