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Theoretical Economics

Publisher:苏迪管理员Publish Time:2021-08-29Views:10

Theoretical Economics

    Originated from the Institute of Water Conservancy Economics and the Southern Jiangsu Economic Development Institute, this discipline was approved by the Ministry of Water Resources in 1985. It is one of the earliest universities in China to set up technical economics and management (a national key cultivation discipline), and is dedicated to studying how basic industries such as water conservancy can adapt to socialism. In 2006, it was awarded the second-level discipline authorization point of population, resource and environmental economics, and in 2010, it was awarded the first-level discipline master degree authorization point of theoretical economics.

I.Disciplinary direction and advantages

   i.The discipline adheres to the mainstream + characteristic development path. Taking full advantage of the double first-class discipline advantages of Hohai University, and facing the needs of national strategy, regional development and industry, it sets up three directions of water resources economics, environmental economics and low-carbon economics to meet the sustainable development needs in the development of the socialist market economy, the national strategic needs such as the protection of the Yangtze River, and the low-carbon development needs of developed regions such as southern Jiangsu.  

   ii.There are many types of platforms, high level and grounded. It has 3 national-level support platforms such as the State Key Laboratory and National Engineering Center, 3 intelligence bases and 1 national-level continuing education base, and 16 provincial and ministerial-level science and education platforms, such as the Jiangsu Provincial Circular Economy Engineering Center, Eastern Resources and Environment and Sustainable Development Research Center, Jiangsu Yangtze River Protection and High-quality Development Research Base, Coastal Development and Protection Collaborative Innovation Center, etc.

   iii.The research results are distinctive, the service industry is regionally focused, and the international development is remarkable. It has formed a high-level research team with water-related characteristics and a low-carbon development research team in southern Jiangsu. It has undertaken a number of provincial and ministerial-level projects such as major projects in the water-related industry, economic reforms in the water-related industry, and low-carbon transformation and upgrading in southern Jiangsu. The southern region continues to supply high-level economic talents with quality and quantity; relying on the national certification of the college (the three international certifications of AMBA, PMI and IPMP have been completed, and AACSB and EQUIS are in progress), the international development of disciplines is promoted, and high-level international students are cultivated for the Lancang-Mekong country , African countries.

II. Talent training goals and quality of students

   Guided by social needs and industry development, it is committed to cultivating first-class economic talents with patriotism, solid basic theory, broad professional knowledge, independent innovation spirit, international vision and humanistic feelings, as well as all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, beauty and labor. Among the academic postgraduates, 14% are outstanding students from double first-class universities, graduate schools and universities with exemption qualifications.

III. Domestic and foreign influence

   Hohai University is the leading unit of collaborative innovation among universities in Jiangsu Province (World Water Valley and Water Ecological Civilization), the leader unit of the “Belt and Road” Water Strategic Alliance, the director unit of the Chinese Council of BRICS Think Tank Cooperation, and the Jiangsu Financial Industry Federation Overseas China Jiangsu Professional committee units, etc., it has formed a close cooperation network with many institutions in water conservancy, transportation, and environmental protection systems in scientific research, economic management, and personnel training, and has put forward many economic policy suggestions to departments at all levels which are adopted. Keeping up with the international certification of postgraduate education of the school, it promotes the development of disciplines to the Lancang-Mekong countries, African countries and the world.
