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Big Data Management and Application

Publisher:沈敏洁Publish Time:2024-06-17Views:19

Big data management and applicationAn insight into the economy and society in the era of big data


Major highlights and features concise

Big data strategy has become a national strategy, and the social demand for big data talents is increasing day by day. It is estimated that the talent shortage related to the data industry in China is as high as one million, especially those with rich theoretical foundation, solid technical skills, deep understanding of business and international vision.

The major of Big Data Management and Application is a new major that ADAPTS to the development of The Times based on the rich business resources of business schools, and is also the future development direction of economic management majors. Data industry positions range from entry-level business data analyst to senior data scientist, and even chief data officer or chief information officer of a company.


Major introduction

In the era of Internet Plus and big data, big data is accelerating the penetration of traditional industries and promoting the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. The penetration of informationization into various traditional industries is making the traditional industry itself undergo qualitative changes, and big data of business, finance, logistics and industry have become essential elements of production. Hohai university big data management and application of professional and comply with the national development strategy of big data, to meet the economic and social development and the urgent need of large data management and application of talent, and set up management problem oriented data analysis and the optimization of the management characteristic, cultivate familiar with big data management techniques and methods, good at using business data service decision of innovative, compound and applied talents. Professional industrial big data applications technology national engineering laboratory, changzhou industrial laboratory of big data, both attach great importance to learn the theoretical knowledge, and strengthen the cultivation of practice ability, create more research and practice opportunities for students, enrich the students' practical experience and improve the students' scientific research ability, but also can promote the innovation of the professional development. The major relies on the Institute of Statistics and Data Science, the Institute of Management Science, the World Water Valley and Water Ecological Civilization Collaborative Innovation Center, the National Engineering Laboratory of Industrial Big Data Application Technology Changzhou Branch center, Changzhou Key Laboratory of Industrial Big Data and Knowledge Management to carry out scientific research.

The construction of the professional curriculum system follows the student-centered OBE education concept. In the development stage of talent cultivation plan, the training objectives are mainly oriented, the graduation requirements are achieved, the appropriate curriculum system planning is carried out, and the teaching positioning and objectives of each course are determined. Establish general education, professional education and practice innovation and personality development of organic fusion of curriculum system, strengthen the wide foundation and strong practice and application, asks the characteristics of innovative talents cultivation, the position based on different standards, in the building of a targeted different ability level development training courses, equilibrium considering specialty, ability of three dimensional ascension process and behavior.

The major aims at generating valuable information from big data modeling and analysis, and takes data, knowledge and service as the main line. The major focuses on business data analysis, market big data management, data mining, big data management and governance, etc. Students are trained to master the basic theory of management, be familiar with data processing, mathematical modeling and business decision making methods, be good at using business data modeling and analysis to realize intelligent business decision making, and cultivate applied management talents with Internet thinking, capable of proposing business intelligence solutions and leading the development of the future industry. After graduation, students can go to well-known universities and research institutes at home and abroad to continue their postgraduate studies in business analysis, data science, management science and other related fields. They can also be competent for business data management, business intelligence analysis, strategic decision-making and other jobs in finance, IT enterprises, administrative institutions and other industries.
