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International Economy and Trade

Publisher:苏迪管理员Publish Time:2021-08-09Views:10

International Economy and Trade -- Economic ties and Bridges in a globalized world



Major highlights and features concise

Hohai University features specialties with a long history

Major strength is relatively strong

In 2018, Wu Shulian university Evaluation Ranking of China ranked B+ in major


Major introduction

The major of international economy and trade, which is born in the wave of globalization, has cultivated various specialized talents in the fields of international trade, international investment and international enterprise management in China in recent years. Today, as the global economy is becoming increasingly prosperous and integrated, the national Belt and Road strategy has added new impetus to the development of the major, and the development of the major is full of new vitality.

Primarily to cultivate international economic and trade fields possess solid economic management knowledge, broad international vision, proficient in import and export practice and master the basic financial business operation skills, innovation, dare to bear, lifelong learning ability, good at communication and cooperation of senior talents for foreign economic and trade field. Students trained in this major have a solid professional foundation, active work, responsible and responsible spirit, and have a strong adaptability to the job. Good Command of English, good communication, marketing and business planning ability, well received by employers. Over the years, the average employment rate has remained above 97%, and it has also demonstrated strong comprehensive competitiveness in postgraduate guarantee, postgraduate entrance examination and overseas study. The rate of continuing to enter higher schools in the past five years has been above 32%. A large number of outstanding students have been admitted to Peking University, Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, Nanjing University, Xi 'an Jiaotong University, Southeast University, Tongji University, Columbia University, Edinburgh University and other famous universities for further study.
