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Engineering Management

Publisher:苏迪管理员Publish Time:2021-08-08Views:10

Engineering Management -- the Builder of the Soul of Engineering Projects

Professional highlights and characteristics

• The first batch of national first-class undergraduate specialty construction sites

Jiangsu Provincial Characteristic Major

• Professional brand in Jiangsu Province

• The 12th institute in China has passed the evaluation of engineering management by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development

• The 2019 Ranking List of Chinese Universities (Wu Shu Lian Edition) ranks at the A++ level, ranking sixth among 290 universities (the top 2% in China)

• Relying on the comprehensive advantages of A+ in hydraulic engineering discipline, A - in civil engineering discipline, B+ in management science and engineering discipline and B+ in business administration discipline of Hehai University, build a professional knowledge structure system of industry management integration and a characteristic talent training mode of classified training and vertical and horizontal emphasis

Professional introduction

Engineering management is a comprehensive discipline formed by the cross integration of civil and water conservancy engineering disciplines, management disciplines and economic disciplines. Its research object is the management laws in the field of engineering construction, and it cultivates compound senior management talents who can adapt to the needs of modern engineering construction and can make decisions on issues and manage the whole process in the field of engineering construction at home and abroad. The engineering management major of Hehai University requires students to master the basic knowledge of management, economics, computer technology, engineering technology and law, as well as the theories, methods and means of modern management science, according to the concept of training compound talents. In terms of personnel training, we not only adhere to the mainstream direction of the engineering management specialty, but also refine the specialty's school running characteristics according to the school running characteristics, resource advantages and brand effects of Hehai University. Based on the concept of new engineering and new liberal arts, based on water conservancy, facing large civil engineering and new infrastructure construction, build a professional knowledge structure system of industry management integration with water conservancy characteristics and a characteristic talent training mode of classified training and equal emphasis on vertical and horizontal. Talent cultivation not only focuses on expanding students' thinking breadth horizontally, but also on improving students' vertical thinking depth. The curriculum is divided into three levels: theoretical teaching, practical teaching and quality development, which reflects the training concept of thick foundation, wide caliber, strong ability and shaping quality, and meets the new demand for diversified knowledge structure of talent training in the new era. In terms of cultivating students' ability and quality, with innovation and entrepreneurship training plan as the starting point, various discipline competitions as the driving force, and teachers' scientific research activities as the guide, students are encouraged to participate in teachers' scientific research activities, carry out various interest research, participate in various discipline competitions, and strive to improve students' ability to analyze problems, practical operation ability, and innovation awareness. 

The major of engineering management of Hehai University is located in the Department of Engineering Economics and Engineering Management of Business School in Jiangning Campus, with a long history. In 1983, the Department of Management Engineering was established on the basis of the teaching and research section of capital construction management, and the junior college of water conservancy and electric power management engineering was set up; In 1984, we recruited master's degree students in water conservancy and hydropower, ports and coastal (management engineering); In 1985, set up a bachelor's degree in management engineering (water conservancy and electric power engineering); In 1995, he won the Master's Degree in Management Science and Engineering; In 1999, the undergraduate major was renamed as Engineering Management Major; In 2003, he won the first level doctoral program in management science and engineering, and set up the second level doctoral program in engineering management and project management; In 2008, the secondary discipline of engineering management and project management was approved as a key discipline in Jiangsu Province; In the fourth round of discipline evaluation by the Ministry of Education in 2016, the management science and engineering department of the specialty was awarded B+; In 2018, it won the title of Jiangsu Province's superior discipline construction.

The engineering management major of Hohai University passed the professional evaluation of the original Ministry of Construction for the first time in 2005, and passed the professional re evaluation of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development for three times in 2010, 2015 and 2020; In 2006, it was funded by the University's brand specialty; In 2012, it passed the professional acceptance of Jiangsu Province; In 2019, the first batch of national first-class undergraduate specialty construction sites will be selected; In 2020, it won the title of Jiangsu Provincial Brand Professional Construction. In 2009 and 2015, they passed the international certification of IPMP and PMI respectively. In the 2019 Ranking List of Chinese Universities (Wu Shu Lian Edition), the engineering management major of Hehai University ranks among the A++ level, ranking the sixth among 290 universities, ranking in the top 2% of the country.

The annual enrollment of engineering management major of Hehai University is about 60, with students from all over the country. The graduation rate and degree awarding rate of graduates remained above 98%, and the continuing enrollment rate remained around 40%, of which one fourth went abroad for further study. Most of the students were recommended to Peking University, Tongji University, Dongda University and other domestic first-class universities, or accepted by Northwestern University, Carnegie Mellon University and other international well-known universities. The employment rate of graduates is more than 98%, mainly to large construction enterprises such as China Water Group, China Construction Group and State Grid, as well as large real estate enterprises such as Poly Real Estate and China Resources Real Estate.
