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Financial Management

Publisher:苏迪管理员Publish Time:2021-08-08Views:10

Financial Management - Corporate Asset Preservation and Appreciation Planner


Professional highlights and characteristics

• Professional evaluation A+professional

• In the past three years, it has maintained the top 5% in the ranking of Chinese university evaluation majors

• Professional and responsible teaching staff

• Relying on water conservancy, the industry has formed distinctive professional characteristics with cross cutting and comprehensive characteristics.

Professional introduction

Financial management is carried out around the capital operation of maintaining and increasing the value of enterprise funds, and is based on the enterprise value stream management and expanded in the capital chain operation. This major is committed to cultivating financial management professionals with good moral quality and professionalism, solid professional knowledge, excellent innovative thinking ability, broad international vision and the ability to grasp the soul of Chinese enterprises. It focuses on the cultivation of students' adaptability, organization, coordination, innovation and other comprehensive qualities and abilities. The teaching focuses on corporate finance, adheres to the forward-looking teaching philosophy, emphasizes the combination of traditional teaching and case teaching, situational teaching and discussion methods in teaching methods, and emphasizes that the preparation of teaching syllabus should meet the professional training objectives and the requirements of knowledge, ability and quality in teaching content. Cultivate students to master the knowledge of modern finance and finance, focus on theoretical teaching and practical ability training, especially on learning the asset operation management of enterprise value stream under the Internet environment, and help students improve their ability by configuring databases related to financial management and various practical software; The main courses include financial management, finance, financial engineering, securities investment analysis, etc. After four years of study, it has not only laid a solid foundation for students to engage in corporate financial work, but also cultivated a steady and practical professional quality for students to further develop, and provided students with a strong knowledge reserve and comprehensive quality training for professional development or academic further study.

The major of financial management in our school is devoted to the research of corporate finance, securities, futures and other financial management theories and practices. The history of this major can be traced back to the major of financial management set up in 1995, which was renamed as the major of financial management in 1999. Up to now, the major has made great achievements in both teaching and scientific research. Nearly 70% of the teachers have obtained doctor's degrees, and nearly 60% of the teachers have senior professional titles. The undergraduate tutorial system has been implemented, and more than 10 provincial and ministerial awards for scientific research achievements have been won. The major has published many papers in authoritative journals at home and abroad, and has the ability to train graduate students for the master's degree in financial management (academic master's degree and master's degree in finance). In 2018, the top 5% of the national professional categories ranked as A+.
   Accounting and financial management are like two wings of enterprise value stream management, which escort enterprise value management. Accounting focuses more on the provision of accounting value information, while financial management focuses more on the application of enterprise value information. All these determine that students need to have a solid theoretical basis and broad knowledge, and be competent for investment and financing management, financial analysis, budget management, asset management, risk management and other financial management work. This major is mainly aimed at cultivating versatile talents who can understand the financial decision-making of the Financial Society for industrial and commercial enterprises, banks, insurance, securities institutions, etc. According to the students' aspirations, it provides both professional master's degrees focusing on practice and academic master's degrees and doctoral degrees for students who are interested in academic research. In recent years, almost 100% of the students in this major have been employed, including national civil servants, large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises, Sino foreign joint ventures, foreign-invested enterprises, banks, securities and insurance and other financial institutions.
