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Business Management

Publisher:苏迪管理员Publish Time:2021-08-29Views:10

Business Management

   The Business Administration discipline of Hohai University originated in the direction of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Management in 1952, and develops rapidly by adhering to the water conservancy characteristics, world-class of Hohai University and the Business School's Hohai characteristics, world-renowned positioning. Technology Economy and Management was the earliest batch of doctoral degree authorization points that was rated as a national key (cultivation) discipline in 2007, a postdoctoral mobile station in Business Administration in 2003, a doctoral degree authorization in the first-level discipline of Business Administration in 2010. It entered phase III project of superior disciplines construction in Jiangsu Province in 2017 and ranked B+ in the fourth round of subject evaluation by the Ministry of Education.

I.Disciplinary direction and advantages

   i.The development of the discipline enters the mainstream and has its own characteristics. The discipline has a long history and has distinctive features of wading. It has five directions: strategic management and collaborative innovation, water resources technology economy and international river management, human resources and organizational management, accounting and water conservancy investment management, marketing management and business intelligence. Strategic management and innovation, technical economy and management strength; water conservancy development strategy, water conservancy industry talents, water resource accounting and investment management, water resource technical and economic evaluation, international river cooperation governance and other water-related fields have leading advantages.

   ii.Disciplinary platform supporting advantages. It has the advantage of double first-class subject resources in Hohai University, and water management is the main research direction in the National Key Laboratory of Hydrology, Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering Science. It has 16 provincial and ministerial scientific research platforms including Jiangsu University Collaborative Innovation Center (World Water Valley and Water Ecological Civilization) and Human Resources Research Institute of the Ministry of Water Resources.

   iii.Faculty structure and team advantages. The academic echelon is reasonable, the proportion of doctoral degrees is nearly 95%, and the proportion of young and middle-aged teachers aged 45 and below is 65%, forming high-level research teams such as Yangtze River protection and international river management. There is 1 innovation team of the Ministry of Education and 3 outstanding innovation teams of philosophy and social sciences in Jiangsu Province, and 15 people have been selected for provincial and ministerial talent projects.

   iv.Social service advantages in water-related fields. The discipline provides all-round talent training, technical support and consulting services for the development of countries, industries, regions and enterprises in various water-related fields, and has achieved remarkable results in promoting the collaborative innovation of the World Water Valley strategic model.

   v.International characteristics. To promote international construction through international certification, AMBA (2015), PMI, IPMP international certification has been completed, AACSB and EQUIS international certification is in progress. In the Belt and Road, especially the Lancang-Mekong cooperation countries, there is in-depth cooperation in scientific research and talent training for doctoral and master's degrees.


II.Talent training goals and student sources

   This discipline aims to cultivate high-quality compound and innovative talents who have both ability and political integrity, have a solid theoretical foundation in economic management, are familiar with water management, have an international perspective, and are independently engaged in scientific research and management practice. Academic postgraduates coming from double first-class universities and other outstanding students account for 76%, and 147 international students are recruited and trained.

III.Domestic and foreign influence

   Through training a large number of talents, 16 provincial and ministerial platforms and major project achievements has formed a huge influence in various water-related industries in my country. The discipline promotes the internationalization of business education with international accreditation and integrates into the high-end international cooperation network of business schools. Professor Zhang Yang is currently the chairman of the International Federation of Management Associations (IFSAM), and the college is the secretariat unit of the International Federation of East Asian Management Associations (IFEAMA). For five consecutive years, international academic conferences such as the World Water Valley Forum and the Overseas China Forum have been held, which has far-reaching influence.
