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Management Science and Engineering

Publisher:苏迪管理员Publish Time:2021-08-29Views:10

Management Science and Engineering

   The discipline of Management Science and Engineering in Hohai University originated from Water Conservancy and Hydropower Project Management in 1952. It has successively won the 11th Five-Year National Advantage Discipline Innovation Platform, the Twelfth Five-Year Jiangsu Province University Advantage Discipline Funding, and the Thirteenth Five-Year Jiangsu University Advantage Discipline Construction Project Phase III Project Funding. The Engineering Management major has been evaluated by the Department of Housing for four times and has been selected as a national first-class undergraduate major, and obtained B+ in the fourth round of subject evaluation by the Ministry of Education. I.Disciplinary direction and advantages

   i.The development of the discipline enters the mainstream and has its own characteristics. The discipline has a long history and distinctive features of wading. It has four directions: management science and water resources system engineering, project management and engineering management, information management and e-commerce, logistics and supply chain management. It has strong strength in the fields of water resources management system engineering and engineering management; it has obvious advantages in the fields of water resources allocation, water resources safety and management decision-making, and inter-basin water transfer project management.

   ii.Disciplinary platform support advantages. Hohai University has the advantage of double first-class discipline resource support, and in the two national key laboratories of State Key Laboratory of Hydrology-Water Resources and National Engineering Research Center for Efficient Utilization of Water Resources and Engineering Safety, water management is the main research directions of. It has 16 provincial and ministerial-level scientific research platforms including the World Water Valley and Water Ecological Civilization Jiangsu University Collaborative Innovation Center, and Jiangsu Yangtze River Protection and High-Quality Development Jiangsu Provincial Decision Consulting Research Base.      

   iii.Faculty structure and team advantages. The echelon of this discipline is reasonable, and the high-level talents and team have obvious advantages. The discipline currently has 1 double-appointed academician, 1 Changjiang Scholars Distinguished Professor, and 8 provincial and ministerial-level talent projects. High-level research teams such as water resources safety and management decision-making, water conservancy and hydropower project management have been formed. There is currently 1 innovation team from the Ministry of Education and 3 outstanding innovation teams in philosophy and social sciences in Jiangsu Province.

   iv.Social service advantages in water-related fields. The discipline provides a full range of personnel training, technical support and consulting services in major water-related engineering fields such as the Three Gorges Project, the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, and the Yangtze River Protection, and has achieved remarkable results in promoting the collaborative innovation of the World Water Valley.

   v.International characteristics. To promote international construction through international certification, AMBA (2015), PMI, IPMP international certification has been completed, AACSB and EQUIS international certification is in progress. Many professors hold positions in important international academic organizations and work closely with institutions such as Columbia University Water Center.      

II.Talent training goals and student sources

   This discipline aims to cultivate high-quality compound and innovative talents who have both ability and political integrity, have a solid theoretical foundation in economic management, are familiar with water management, have an international perspective, and are independently engaged in scientific research and management practice. Academic postgraduates coming from double first-class universities and other outstanding students account for 86.1%.

III.Domestic and foreign influence

   Through training a large number of talents, 16 provincial and ministerial platforms and major project achievements has formed a huge influence in various water-related industries in my country. Taking the going out of hydropower enterprises as an opportunity to serve the Belt and Road initiative. The subject leader serves as a member of the Teaching and Steering Committee of the Management Science and Engineering disciplines of the Ministry of Education, and has held many international conferences such as the 8th Water Resources and Environment Research Conference., which has far-reaching influence.
