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2022 Bachelor Programs Taught in Chinese

Publisher:苏迪管理员Publish Time:2022-11-01Views:10

College of Hydrology and Water Resources

Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering

Physical Geography and Resource & Environment

Geographical Information Science

Water Engineering


College of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering

Water and Hydropower Engineering 


College of Harbor, Coastal and Offshore Engineering

Harbor, Waterway and Coastal Engineering

Marine Resource Development Technology


College of Civil and Transportation Engineering

Civil Engineering

Traffic Engineering


College of Environment

Environmental Engineering

Environmental Science

Water Science and Engineering

Ecological Engineering of Environment


College of Energy and Electrical Engineering


Electrical Engineering and Automation

Energy and Power Engineering

Renewable Energy Science and Technology


College of Computer and Information

Computer Science and Technology

Telecommunication Engineering

Intelligent Science and Technology

Software Engineering

Electronic Information Engineering

Artificial Intelligence


College of Mechanics and Materials

Engineering Mechanics

Material Science and Engineering


School of Earth Science and Engineering

Geological Engineering

Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering

Remote Sensing Science and Technology


College of Agricultural Science and Engineering

Agricultural Water Conservancy Engineering

Land Consolidation Engineering


College of Oceanography

Marine Science

Marine Technology


College of Science

Mathematics and Applied Mathematics

Information and Computational Science

Applied Physics


College of Business

Construction Management

Information Management and Information Systems


Financial Management

Human Resource Management

Financial Engineering

Business Administration (Changzhou Campus)

Accounting (Nanjing or Changzhou Campus)

International Economics and Trade (Changzhou Campus)

Big Data Management and Application (Changzhou Campus)


School of Public Administration

Labor and Social Security

Broadcasting and TV

Land Resources Management


Emergency Management


School of Law



School of Marxism

Ideological and Political Education


College of International Languages and Cultures

English Language and Literature

French Language and Literature
