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Academic activities to commemorate the 70th anniversary of East China Institute of Water Conservancy: How to expand and use data envelopment method (DEA) in the topic

Publisher:苏迪管理员Publish Time:2022-11-29Views:10

Report Time: 14:00-16:30 Nov. 29,2022

Tencent Meeting: 101-761-255

Keynote Speaker: Qiu Yonghe  the distinguished professor of economics at Soochow University, Taiwan

Professor Qiu Yonghe is currently a distinguished professor of economics at Soochow University, Taiwan, and has served as Dean, R&D Dean, and Provost of Business School of Soochow University, Vice  President of the Taiwan Economic Association, and Chairman of the Taiwan Society for the Promotion of Efficiency and Productivity. His main research directions are theoretical economics, industrial economics, performance evaluation, energy economics and so on.

Research methodology and innovative vision can stimulate research ability and innovation potential to put out good academic articles. This report mainly introduces the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) methodology, including basic DEA models such as CCR, BCC, SBM, DDF, Super-efficiency, EBM, Hybrid and Malmquist productivity index. It also extends DEA models such as Integer variable, RDM DDF, Meta-Frontier and Network DEA (such as parallel two-stage DEA); Then use these extensibility DEA models to combine good topics, introduce some examples, so that you can understand the application of these methods and how to use extensible DEA to achieve international journal standards.
