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Wu Fengping:Transboundary Water Resources Allocation Methods under the Concept of a Community of Shared Future

Publisher:沈敏洁Publish Time:2024-05-16Views:166

Research Achievement Promotion:

The project led by Professor Wu Fengping, titled Transboundary Water Resources Allocation Methods under the Concept of a Community of Shared Future, has won the Second Prize in the Consultation Service Report category at the Ninth Higher Education Scientific Research Outstanding Achievement Awards (Humanities and Social Sciences).


Content Summary:

This report is based on President Xi Jinping's proposition of building a Community of Shared Future for Mankind and the new approach to water management that emphasizes prioritizing water conservation, balancing spatial distribution, systematic governance, and leveraging dual efforts. It focuses on researching transboundary water resources allocation methods under the concept of a Water Security Community of Shared Future for riparian countries of transboundary rivers.

The report reviews relevant international water laws and customary practices, analyzes the history and current status of China's transboundary water resources allocation, and identifies key influencing factors. It proposes the basic idea of constructing a Water Security Community of Shared Future for transboundary river basins. From the aspects of defining rights entities, types, methods, and scales, it presents methods for confirming rights to transboundary water resources. Based on the concept of a Water Security Community of Shared Future and considering influencing factors, core sensitive sources, allocation goals, and principles, it analyzes the constraints of transboundary river basin water rights allocation.

The report establishes a two-level allocation model for transboundary water resources: the first level involves an initial allocation model based on equal consultation and spatial-temporal balance; the second level involves an optimized reallocation model based on the concept of shared benefits, balancing supply and demand, equity and efficiency, and coordinating the optimized allocation of water volume and benefits.

It constructs a robust transboundary water resources rights protection system from the perspectives of management systems and mechanisms, ensuring clear ownership, defined responsibilities, orderly coordination, strict supervision, and strong guarantees. This report serves as a reference for scholars, managers, and policymakers engaged in transboundary water resources allocation.


Author Bio:

Wu Fengping, male, born in 1964 in Taizhou, Jiangsu, holds a PhD and is a professor at the Business School of Hohai University, as well as a doctoral supervisor and the director of the Planning and Decision Research Institute at Hohai University. His main research interests include scientific decision-making methods and water rights management. As the chief expert, he has led a major project funded by the National Social Science Fund titled Research on Trans-border Rivers Water Rights Determination and Allocation Method and Security System and has presided over three General Program projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China. He has authored Research on the Coupling Allocation Method of Initial Water Rights in River Basins and Planning and Decision Methods of Inland Waterway Networks, and has published textbooks such as Operations Research: Methods and Applications and Modern Decision Methods. He has received five government scientific and technological awards, including the Second Prize for Outstanding Achievements in Scientific Research in Higher Education from the Ministry of Education and the Second Prize for Outstanding Achievements in Philosophy and Social Sciences in Jiangsu Province. He also serves as an editorial board member of CSSCI journals such as Soft Science and Journal of Hohai University (Social Sciences Edition).
