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Our hospital successfully passed the joint certification of AMBA and BGA

Publisher:苏迪管理员Publish Time:2021-09-03Views:286

Our hospital successfully passed the joint certification of AMBA and BGA

Our school recently received official notification and a congratulatory letter from the Association of MBAs (AMBA) and the Business Graduates Association (BGA), announcing that our school has officially passed the joint accreditation of AMBA and BGA (Gold Medal), becoming the first AMBA & BGA dual-certification school in Jiangsu. This accreditation is a significant achievement as AMBA and BGA are two of the major business education authorities in the world.

From May 24th to 26th, 2021, the AMBA and BGA (Gold Medal) international certification expert groups conducted an online visit to evaluate our school's certification. President Professor Xu Hui attended the certification meeting and communicated with the expert group online. Our school's leaders, the heads of the MBA education center and engineering management major, relevant administrative personnel, and teacher representatives all participated in the online visit.

The certification expert group gave full affirmation to our school's MBA education achievements in terms of school-running characteristics, training quality, and teaching accomplishments. They highly valued the school and business school's responsible management education, continuous improvement of the school, and internationalization work. The expert group unanimously recognized and highly praised our school's strong advantages and fruitful construction results in terms of water conservancy characteristics, discipline construction, teaching quality, and innovative measures of the teaching staff.

This joint certification work by AMBA and BGA (Gold Medal) is of great significance in promoting the construction of a first-class business school. Our school will continue to focus on the inheritance and innovation of business management knowledge, strengthen the cultivation of management talents, and foster the innovation of management wisdom.
