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Qiao Hongbo (2010 Alumni of Business School) - Adhering to the spirit of Hohai, exploring and innovating at the right time

Publisher:沈敏洁Publish Time:2022-01-15Views:1765

Qiao Hongbo, male, born in May 1968, from Feicheng, Shandong. He graduated from HHBS with a Master's degree in Hydraulic Engineering in December 2013. The current General Manager, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, and Senior Engineer of Sichuan Daduhe Shuangjiangkou Hydropower Development Co., Ltd. He started working in July 1991 and held various positions including Director of Immigration and Environmental Protection Department and Deputy Director of Planning and Development Department of Guodian Dadu River Basin Hydropower Development Co., Ltd., Deputy General Manager of Guodian Dadu River Monkey Rock Hydropower Construction Co., Ltd., and Minister of Immigration and Environmental Protection Department of Guodian Dadu River Basin Hydropower Development Co., Ltd.

          Sichuan, a land of abundance and a province with thousands of rivers, has been governed and utilized by its people for thousands of years. As the most famous water conservancy project in ancient China, Dujiangyan Irrigation Project is the representative work of the wisdom and sweat of the ancestors of the Chinese nation. It is still blessed with the rich Chengdu Plain. From Talking about the Yangtze River to Talking about the Yangtze River, the classic chapters of Water Runs Jinguan City vividly showcase the stories of water, city, and life that have taken place in the Chengdu Plain. The accumulation of history and the nurturing of the environment have led to the emergence of a group of experts and leaders in the water conservancy industry in Sichuan Province, leading the trend of water conservancy construction and hydropower development in China. Qiao Hongbo has been engaged in water conservancy and hydropower construction in Sichuan since he started working. Over the past 25 years, he has witnessed and witnessed the gradual development and growth of hydropower development in Sichuan and China. Now, as the person in charge of construction and management of national key engineering projects, he is creating another new glory in China's water conservancy and hydropower industry.

      Acquaintance with Hohai, integration into Hohai

After graduating from school in July 1991, Qiao Hongbo joined the Chengdu Survey, Design and Research Institute of China Hydroelectric Consulting Group to work on land acquisition and resettlement planning and design for hydropower construction. Over the course of 14 years, he traveled across the major rivers and valleys of Sichuan, shuttling through deep valleys, mountains, and dense forests for a long time. He collected and analyzed survey data on river basin distribution, hydrogeology, ecological environment, and human geography day and night, and mastered a large amount of basic data to draw blueprints for water conservancy and hydropower development planning in Sichuan Province. In his work, Qiao Hongbo collaborated with water conservancy and hydropower experts and professors from Hohai University to carry out multiple scientific research projects, and established a deep friendship with Hohai University. Through 14 years of experience and accumulation, Qiao Hongbo has grown from an ordinary survey and design personnel to a design expert in land acquisition and immigration in the hydropower construction industry. At the same time, Hohai University has gradually developed and grown, becoming an internationally recognized comprehensive university with a focus on water conservancy.

In 2004, Qiao Hongbo left his familiar design institute and joined Guodian Dadu River Basin Hydropower Development Co., Ltd. to engage in the management of Sichuan Dadu River Basin hydropower cascade development and construction. He began a difficult transformation from hydropower survey and design to hydropower construction management. At that time, Guodian Daduhe Company had just been established, and all its work was in the initial stage, with limited management experience and industry influence, making it very difficult to carry out the work. Especially in land acquisition and resettlement work, which involves multiple interests of reservoir resettlement, local government, and project owners, it is the center of various contradictions and conflicts, affecting the entire process of hydropower project development and construction.

In the hydropower industry, people often say that land acquisition and immigration are not something that people do, and once done well, they are not people, that is gods. Hydropower immigration workers have been stationed on site for a long time, visiting villages and households every day to promote and mobilize local villagers. Water and electricity immigration work is often criticized, questioned, and even insulted by various parties, and it is common for the hard work results to be overturned in an instant. Therefore, when faced with land acquisition and immigration work, people often avoid it.

Faced with difficulties, Qiao Hongbo did not back down. No matter how difficult the situation is, someone will always do it. With this simple sentence, Qiao Hongbo resolutely took on the heavy burden of land acquisition and immigration work in the Guodian Dadu River Basin. With more than a decade of work experience, flexible thinking, and hard work in the front line of hydropower, he formulated the system and procedures for land acquisition and immigration management in the Dadu River Basin, and began to establish a win-win mechanism for enterprise land cooperation, gradually opening up the work situation.

During the construction process of the Dadu River Waterfall Gou Hydropower Station, 100000 immigrants in the reservoir area need to be relocated and resettled. As one of the main responsible persons, Qiao Hongbo is stationed on site, focusing on practical work and seeking practical results, quickly handling and solving various unexpected problems that occur on site. In his work, he pays attention to studying policies, innovating his thinking, being flexible in responding, constantly providing suggestions and suggestions for the advancement of immigration work, optimizing his work methods, and enabling work that others perceive as impossible to complete to be carried out beyond the norm.

Qiao Hongbo's down-to-earth work attitude, flexible work ideas, and remarkable work performance quickly gained recognition and approval from leaders and colleagues at all levels of Guodian Daduhe Company. From 2004 to 2010, he quickly grew from a department business manager to a department head of the company, responsible for the land acquisition, immigration, and environmental protection work of 18 cascade hydropower stations in the Dadu River Basin of Guodian Dadu River Company.

In 2010, he, who was already an expert in hydropower immigration work, had new goals and pursuits. This year, Qiao Hongbo successfully entered the Business School of Hohai University to pursue a Master's degree in Water Conservancy Engineering Management, becoming a long-awaited Hohai person. Over the past two years, with first-class teaching and training from Hohai University and professional guidance from mentors, Qiao Hongbo's management theory has been further improved, and his overall understanding and control ability in water conservancy and hydropower engineering construction management has been further enhanced. This also laid a solid foundation for his next development.

Across Hohai, innovation agitation

In December 2013, Qiao Hongbo successfully completed the defense of his master's thesis at Hohai University, and at that time, State Grid Daduhe Company had appointed him as the General Manager of Sichuan Daduhe Shuangjiangkou Hydropower Development Co., Ltd. Shuangjiangkou Hydropower Station is located in Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province. It is a controlling leading reservoir power station in the upper reaches of the Dadu River, with a maximum dam height of 314 meters, an installed capacity of 2 million kilowatts, and a population of 5940 immigrants. It is the world's highest recently constructed earth rock dam.

Faced with new challenges, Qiao Hongbo faced them head-on. To solve the technical development difficulties of Shuangjiangkou hydropower station, he found experts from his alma mater, Hohai University, and collaborated with first-class research institutes in China's hydropower industry to carry out scientific research and technical demonstration. To promote project approval, he actively coordinates various parties, innovates work methods, and focuses on breaking through key constraints. Under his guidance and efforts, the preliminary construction of Shuangjiangkou hydropower station has created a series of new records: in 2013, Shuangjiangkou hydropower station took the lead in completing social stability risk assessment in the Sichuan hydropower industry, and obtained the first site selection opinion in the cascade hydropower station in the Dadu River Basin, becoming the most eligible new hydropower project for approval at the national level.

In December 2014, after nearly a decade of argumentation and analysis, under the leadership of Qiao Hongbo, the application report for the Shuangjiangkou hydropower station project was finally submitted to the National Development and Reform Commission as scheduled, and the construction of the Shuangjiangkou hydropower station project was about to usher in a new chapter. At this moment, Qiao Hongbo had new ideas in his heart. According to his plan and expectations, the construction of the Shuangjiangkou hydropower station project will fully introduce and absorb existing cutting-edge domestic scientific and technological achievements in hydropower, break through conventional hydropower construction management models, and boldly apply digital technology and management methods. At that time, the Shuangjiangkou hydropower station project will become a new model of intelligent engineering construction in China's hydropower industry.

   Understand Hohai, and pass the torch from generation to generation    

In the history of China's water conservancy and hydropower construction, in the early 80s of the last century, the Lubuge hydropower project introduced foreign capital to implement the bidding system on a pilot basis, the formation of the Three Gorges Construction Model from the plan to the market mechanism, the construction management system of the Xiaolangdi project on the Yellow River, the reform of the management system for the construction of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project, the key technical problems in many major water conservancy and hydropower projects, and the solution of related economic and social problems, all of which condensed the wisdom of the Hehai people and embodied the innovative spirit of the Hehai people.   

From hard work and simplicity, seeking truth from facts, strict requirements, and courage to explore to dedication, pragmatism, and innovation, generations of Hehai people have used their own practical actions to constantly practice and enrich the spirit of Hehai, so that it can be passed on from generation to generation and carried forward. As a high-level research university in the new era, Hohai University is cultivating batches of high-level innovative management talents like Qiao Hongbo. As a Hehai person in the new era, Qiao Hongbo is constantly enriching the new chapter of Hehai people's hydropower development in the motherland with his pragmatic and efficient, pioneering and enterprising style of work and innovative spirit of daring to be the first and bravely climbing the peak.  

This year marks the 100th anniversary of his alma mater, and he hopes that his alma mater will make further progress! On the road of building a high-level characteristic research university, we will create new brilliance and make greater contributions to the new development of China's water conservancy industry!  

