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Yin Xuehui (2011 Alumni of Business School) - Love Hohai, Sail Far Away

Publisher:沈敏洁Publish Time:2022-01-15Views:1817

       Yin Xuehui, male, from Jimo, Shandong. He studied Master of Engineering Project Management at HHBS from March 2011 to March 2014. He is current Deputy Director and Senior Economist of the Office of Shandong Yellow River Management Bureau.     

       Yin Xuehui often said, Once you hear the language of Hohai University, you will be proud of them all your life. Looking back on the past of Hohai Unversity, the historical scenes are still vivid in your eyes. Although Hohai University was not the starting point of his academic journey, it was undoubtedly his most important stop. Strolling through the river and sea, he didn't hate the fleeting time and rarely thought about its significance. It wasn't until he left that he suddenly realized that the river and sea were a thick and heavy book. Opening this book, he read even more profound stories from a century ago; The river and sea are transparent windows, through which he can see a wider world of knowledge; Hehai is a sailing ship. Boarding this ship, Hehai people continue to move towards the deep-water areas of China's water conservancy development.

  Aim high and achieve the dream of further study in Hohai University   

In 1991, Yin Xuehui graduated from North China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower, and devoted himself to water conservancy construction with youthful enthusiasm and pride. However, as his work progressed, he felt more and more that the lack of knowledge had affected the efficiency and quality of his work, and he decided to return to school to enrich himself. As the old saying goes: If a person's ambition is not far away, he is absent-minded, although he cannot learn, Hohai University, as the highest university in China's water conservancy major, has also participated in short-term training in Hohai several times, and has already left a deep impression on Hohai University. The river and the sea have always attracted and inspired themselves. As he has been engaged in management for many years, he finally made up his mind in 2010 and applied for a master's degree in engineering at the Business School of Hohai University. After determining the direction of his efforts, he began to prepare for the exam diligently. Self-schooling away from school is tough, with work and family care at the same time. Fortunately, the leaders, colleagues and his family of Shandong Yellow River Bureau (hereinafter referred to as Shandong River Bureau) gave him endless care and support, and after some hard study, he finally got his wish and stepped into Hohai University (Business School).  

Most of the learning and life are carried out in Jinan teaching sites, and the biggest gain comes from the careful education of the teachers of the business school, and the wonderful teaching has made him gain a lot. For more than 3 years, he has fully felt the rigorous academic attitude, conscientious and responsible professionalism, and erudite and versatile demeanor from the teachers of Hohai University. Especially during the intensive teaching period of Hohai University, he walked through the beautiful campus, tasted the warm and fresh air, admired the beautiful landscape, and the unique architecture, and felt the spirit of self-improvement, strict self-cultivation and achievements of the people of Hohai in the past.  

Hohai University, as expected!

Learn to make good use of it and establish modern management thinking    

In recent years, the reform and development of water conservancy has been continuously promoted, and the national water conservancy industry has presented a multi-wheel driven pattern. During his master's degree in engineering in Hehai, Yin Xuehui was working in the Supervision Department of Shandong River Bureau, and wanted to absorb the nutrition of modern management and scientific management and inject it into the supervision work he was engaged in.  

Life is diligent, don't ask for anything. Through the study of Management, Project Management and Operation Management and other courses, he initially established the management concept of systematic thinking, and also realized that there is no absolutely applicable management system and management rules at any time and under any conditions, and everything in the management process is in the process of change, and theory must be linked to practice, and the theory must be skillfully used according to reality. Courses such as Organizational Behavior cultivated his scientific spirit and dialectical thinking, made him pay more attention to conclusions with scientific basis, and dialectically looked at those popular concepts that people usually accepted without thinking. These excellent courses provided ideas and methods for him to formulate work plans and solve work problems.  

Apply what you have learned, and you will see results. He also inspired him to introduce risk management and modern management theories into his anti-corruption work, and he participated in the completion of the innovative achievement of Construction and Implementation of Shandong Yellow River Anti-corruption Risk Prevention and Management Mechanism, which was awarded the first prize of innovative achievements by the Yellow River Water Conservancy Commission (hereinafter referred to as the Yellow River Water Conservancy Commission). This achievement is highly scientific and operable, and is an important mechanism innovation. In view of the risks of ideology and morality, job responsibilities, business processes, institutional mechanisms and external environment arising from the lack of education, system, and supervision, and the inability of cadres and workers to be honest and self-disciplined, the three lines of defense of early prevention, mid-term monitoring, and later disposal are established. In accordance with the four links of planning, implementation, assessment, and amendment, the quality management of risk prevention work is implemented, and the four mechanisms of supervision and inspection, assessment and evaluation, error correction and rectification, and accountability are established and improved, and the prevention of corruption is implemented to specific people and posts, so as to minimize the possibility of corruption and grasp the initiative in anti-corruption and clean government work. He also applied this theoretical achievement to practical work, and implemented it in stages in the overall situation in accordance with the principle of pilot projects first and steady progress, and achieved remarkable results. This work has been highly valued and supported by the superior leaders. The leaders of the Ministry of Water Resources fully affirmed the practices of their units at the work conference on the construction of party style and clean government in the water conservancy system; The leaders of the Yellow Committee also visited the pilot units for many times to investigate and give guidance and support. The Ministry of Water Resources, the Yellow River Network, the Yellow River Daily, and other news media have also reported on the prevention and management of integrity risks in their units. He said that if strong leadership, teamwork and point to face are the troika of achievement, then the management philosophy learned in Hohai is the bearing that runs through the wheel, which is not exposed, but it is important.   

Hohai Univeristy is worth the trip.  

The school motto is edified and a rigorous and pragmatic style is cultivated    

The river runs all things and gives birth to civilization; The sea is inclusive, and there is tolerance. Hohai University is a water conservancy institution with a long history in China, which came into being in the early 20th century in the wave of education and science to save the country. A hundred years of spring and autumn, a hundred years of vicissitudes of wind and rain. Hohai University has always maintained the pioneering spirit of striving for progress, perseverance and advancing with the times, and has cultivated tens of thousands of talents of all kinds, and has developed into a well-known university at home and abroad with obvious water conservancy characteristics and coordinated development of multiple disciplines. Throughout the spirit of Hehai: from unity, patriotism, strictness, and simplicity, to hard work and simplicity, seeking truth from facts, strict requirements, and the courage to explore, and then to dedication, truth-seeking, and responsibility, the spirit of Hohai has been continuously condensed and sublimated. Yin Xuehui believes that as a Hohai person, it is necessary to inherit this spirit.    


