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Rui Yuping (2013 MBA alumnus of Business School) - Boundless learning and truth seeking

Publisher:沈敏洁Publish Time:2022-01-15Views:1497

Rui Yuping, a 2013 MBA student of HHBS, vice chairman of Hohai University MBA Association, is currently the deputy manager of the cigarette marketing center of Nanjing Company of Jiangsu Tobacco Company. Rui Yuping, an alumnus who graduated with a major in financial management, worked in finance at Nanjing Tobacco Monopoly Bureau (Company) for eight years, and then transferred to the marketing industry, and is now the deputy manager of the marketing center of Nanjing Tobacco Monopoly Bureau (Company). On the afternoon of March 15th, alumnus Rui Yuping was interviewed by the reporter of the alumni department of Hohai University during the class break, sharing with us some of his experience in studying in the university and his later work experience, and giving us valuable messages.

Here are the key takeaways from this interview:


Reporter: We found that your unit has achieved very good sales performance in recent years, how did your company achieve it?


Rui Yuping: Yes, our sales performance has been steadily increasing in recent years. This is due to the company's reasonable and scientific marketing strategy, accurate market positioning and close and effective teamwork. In practice, we found that after the company has determined the marketing strategy, a good marketing team is especially needed. First of all, in an organization, the organizational culture, organizational philosophy, and organizational vision have great traction on the growth of a team and the presentation of work results. Then, from the perspective of the team itself, the leader of the team is very important, and it can be said that the style of the leader of a team directly determines the style of the team; Of course, teamwork is also very important.


Reporter: You are very busy at present, but you still choose to study MBA at Hohai University, how do you think about it?


Rui Yuping: After graduating in 2000, I found that I had very little valuable study space, study time and enthusiasm for learning at the university level. The modern society is changing too fast, the pace is too fast, and the knowledge is updated very quickly, and I have long been eager to return to colleges and universities to recharge. Choosing to study for an MBA can also be said to be wanting to open a window for yourself; On the other hand, from my own point of view, this choice is indeed very helpful for me to improve my own professional knowledge and work skills. Because when a person is in a certain field for a long time, there will be limitations in thinking, if you can go to other fields to see, more contact with elite talents in other industries, through mutual communication, sharing experience, the work horizon will be broader, progress will be faster.


Reporter: Speaking of studying, can you share with us your relevant experience in studying, working and living in the university?


Rui Yuping: The most precious stage of life should be the four years of undergraduate life. I have always considered it the most cherished and memorable time of my life. At this time, there are relatively few worries, the energy is more concentrated, and you can learn a lot by making good use of it. My school experience was quite bumpy. I was a few points behind in the college entrance examination and was not admitted to university. Later, I went to a secondary school, and after I arrived at school, I felt that I couldn't learn anything, so I chose to give up resolutely. Later, after repeating my studies for a year, I finally got into a more ideal university, which was a difficult process. At that time, I felt that I could do many things that I wanted to do when I went to university. As a result, when I was a freshman, I didn't coordinate my studies and work because I participated in too many activities organized by students, and I regretted it a little. Therefore, I hope that you will understand that the main task of university must be to study, and learning cultural knowledge is the foundation. Participating in social work is a way to improve your ability and help you quickly enter the job role after graduation. But everyone must coordinate the relationship between the two, and we can't ignore one at the expense of the other.


Reporter: Nowadays, many parents, including students, have a misunderstanding of the marketing major, thinking that the income is low, the work is tiring, and there is no professional and technical content, how do you understand this prejudice? What advice do you have for the life plans of the younger students majoring in marketing?


Rui Yuping: Marketing is not sales, not to mention MLM, among the world's top 500 CEOs, many have been engaged in financial directors and sales directors, marketing is not a simple concept, involving brand promotion, market analysis and positioning and many other factors, the pain of marketing is not the pain of running errands, but the pain of creative ideas. I graduated from finance and didn't have a clear understanding of marketing before, so it was also new to me. Due to the needs of the company's development, I transferred to a marketing position, and during this period, it was a process of learning and exploring.


Reporter: When it comes to life planning, I think we college students will be particularly concerned about the employment after graduation, what qualities do you think employers pay more attention to contemporary college students?


Rui Yuping: I would like to answer your question with Jack Ma's words. The first is quality, the second is attitude, and the third is technical proficiency. A person's quality is the most important, as the saying goes, small success is in wisdom, big success is in virtue. I watched the show Strongest Brain the other day. A 12-year-old Chinese child and a 12-year-old Italian child competed in memory, the Italian child first reported the number required to be memorized, and the Chinese child found that he was different from him and cried, and finally revealed that the answer was that the Chinese child was correct, and the Italian child also cried. Chinese children cry for fear of failure, while Italian children cry for the sadness of their opponents. Many qualities are formed invisibly from an early age. We can't blame our children for this, it's because we adults and society don't do well enough and put too much pressure on their young minds. The second is attitude. In fact, it is a responsibility, and it depends on whether you can do your work to the extreme. Finally, there is the skill, which determines the efficiency of your work.


Reporter: We have all seen that your career is very successful, and your work must be very busy, how do you balance the relationship between work and family?


Rui Yuping: At our age, time is cut, and the key is to make good use of it. Overtime, housework, studying, and more. There's a lot going on, and I always feel like there's not enough time. Now that I have to take my MBA on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays, the time is even tighter. I think one of the best things about me is that no matter how busy I am, I will set aside one day a week to spend time with my children, take responsibility for education, and guide them to develop hobbies. This has a great impact on me and my child, I am happy both physically and mentally, and my child can feel the love and care of his parents, because I don't want to miss every step of my child's growth, which is a kind of fun outside of my career.


Reporter: Thank you for sharing your work, study experience and life insights with us today, and finally I would like to ask you to send a few words to our college students.


Rui Yuping: Cherish your college time and lay a solid foundation; Enjoy the beauty of youth and be optimistic about the future!


(Reporter of the alumni department of the business school: Chen Zhuoran, Meng Ru, Chen Ye, Zhang Jiayuan, Cao Yuhang, photography: Cao Yuhang)
